 Summa: Symbolic Sums Manipulation

 The package Summa.m provides a few basic functions that allow the user to handle sums with symbolic, infinite, and numerical endpoints without having Mathematica evaluate them at every step. Two functions allows the user to enable and disable automatic evaluation of Sums. This is useful to perform basic operation such as simplification, reindexing, and term by term differentiation on sums and series. The package was originally designed as an aid in solving ordinary differential equations via the power method. It can also be used for the mere typesetting of formulae containing sums. Summa.m is accompanied by five notebooks: - Usage.nb : Illustrates the basic usage of the package.
- Examples.nb : Illustrates a few application examples.
- Power.nb : Contains a few simple examples of the application of symbolic sum manipulation to the resolution of ODEs with the power series method and the Frobenius method.
- Basic_Override.nb : Explains how Summa.m overrides the built-in evaluator.
- Summa.nb : Explains the choices made in writing the package.
This package and set of notebooks was updated by the author 31 March 2005.

 power method, symbolic sums, infinite sums, summa, power series method, frobenius method, series solutions of ODE

| 3336.zip (114.5 KB) - Zip of package and all notebooks | | Basic_Overriding.nb (20.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | Examples.nb (71.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | PowerM.nb (272.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | Summa.m (35.4 KB) - Mathematica Package | | Summa.nb (139.6 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | Usage.nb (144.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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