 Numerical Solution of an Elliptic PDE

Organization: | RMIT University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 Numerically solving an elliptic partial differential equation often requires solving a very large, but sparse, linear system. This notebook contains an example in which InterCall is used to solve a PDE by accessing a public domain library to handle the sparse linear system. Arbitrary two-dimensional regions (including holes and cracks) as well as rectangular three dimensional regions can also be handled with this technique. Some exercises are given.

 Elliptic PDEs, ITPACK, InterCall, intercall, MathLink, SOR, aerospace engineering, applied mathematics, chemical engineering, civil engineering, code generation

| EllipticPDE.txt (7.2 KB) - Plain-text version of the notebook | | EllipticPDE.nb (215 KB) - Mathematica notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | EllipticPDE.ma (125.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook |
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