 InterCall Default Files for Various Public Domain Libraries

Organization: | RMIT University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 Virtually any external Fortran or C library routine can be imported into Mathematica using the InterCall package. For this to work, however, a default setting must be declared for the routine. Given here are default settings for all the routines in the linpack (linear algebra), minpack (minimization and root finding) and itpack (iterative methods for sparse matrices) Fortran libraries. InterCall comes standard with default settings for all the routines in the more comprehensive IMSL and NAG libraries.
InterCall must be purchased seperately.

 code generation, applied mathematics, physics, InterCall, MathLink, linear algebra, minimization and root finding, iterative methods for sparse matrices, IMSL library, NAG library

| README.txt (1.7 KB) - Installation notes | | idata-ITPACK2C.m (7.8 KB) - InterCall defaults file | | idata-LINPACKD.m (25.9 KB) - InterCall defaults file | | idata-MINPACKD.m (9 KB) - InterCall defaults file |
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