 Symbolic derivation and numeric computation of dyadic Green's functions using Mathematica

Organization: | National University of Singapore |

IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine |
 This paper presents a mathematical-software functional package that is capable of performing symbolic derivation and numeric computation of dyadic Green's functions for certain multilayered structures: a planar stratified multilayered medium, a spherical multilayered medium, a cylindrical multilayered medium, and a conducting rectangular waveguide with a multilayered dielectric load. The algorithms of this software package are based on the eigenfunction-expansion method. Using Mathematica, two packages were written to fulfill the aforementioned objectives. Upon completion of the software development, dyadic Green's functions for three-layered media were generated. A comparison of these outputs with published results showed good agreement. This demonstrated the applicability of the symbolic package. For the numeric package, the Green's dyadics for a particular three-layered spherical isotropic multilayered medium were generated as an illustration. These packages have been successfully implemented, and future derivation of dyadic Green's functions for these media may be performed.

 dyadic green's function, Mathematica, nonhomogeneous media, rectangular waveguides, electromagnetic theory, planar stratified medium, spherical multilayered medium, cylindrical multilayered medium
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