 Calculating the Einstein Tensor

Organization: | Finnish Meterological Institute |
 Given an N x N matrix, g a metric with lower indices; and x-, and N-vector (coordinates); EinsteinTensor[g,x] computes the Einstein tensor (an N x N matrix) with lower indices. The demonstration Notebook gives examples dealing with the Schwarzschild solution and the Kerr-Newman metric.

 linear algebra, Einstein Tensor, Physics, matrix, vector, matrix operations, schwarzschild metric, general relativity, vacuum field equations, kerr-newman metric, kerr newman metric, black hole, black-hole

| DemoEinsteinTensor.nb (17.3 KB) - Demonstration notebook for the package | | EinsteinTensor.m (2.2 KB) - Mathematica package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | DemoEinsteinTensor.ma (13.3 KB) - Demonstration notebook for the package |
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