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PET: Petrological Elementary Tools for Mathematica

E. Dachs
Journal / Anthology

Computers & Geosciences
Year: 1998
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Page range: 219-235

PET is a Mathematica package that supplies elementary tools for fulfilling various petrological tasks. Among these are mineral formula calculation (including nomenclature for amphibole according to the IMA scheme), calculation of mineral equilibria from internally consistent thermodynamic data sets (Berman of Holland and Powell), calculation of single equilibrium geothermobarometers (25 of the most common thermometers, 10 barometers), access to the thermodynamic functions of a particular phase and to activity models of various solid solutions, projection of the composition of a phase into a user-defined space and analysis of metamorphic assemblages by means of matrix methods. A major advantage of PET compared to already existing software is its wide range of applicability and flexibility, because PET tools can be easily grouped together and combined with Mathematica built-in functions in order to fulfill specific user-defined tasks.

*Engineering > Chemical Engineering
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