 Integrating git with the Wolfram Language

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Director of User Interface Technology |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2015
 Champaign, Illinois USA
 John Fultz introduces a project he began at Wolfram as a stealth pet project and a way to learn a bit about LibraryLink…add git bindings to the Wolfram Language. This project has grown so immensely in importance since its conception that it’s being used daily across Wolfram Research by almost every developer in the company. And John has regularly discovered things he can do from the Wolfram Language which are just not possible from the standard git client. This talk will review the core git technology John and others have implemented in the Wolfram Language and some of the applications it’s found within the company, as well as some projected applications under development. And hopefully spawn some Q&A and other discussions which may affect the final directions this technology takes as Wolfram prepares it for external use.


| 1445536795.nb (536.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |