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Hands-on Start to Mathematica Book

Cliff Hastings
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Department: Director of Academic Initiatives
Kelvin Mischo
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

Wolfram Technology Conference 2015
Conference location

Champaign, Illinois USA

This talk is an overview of the new Hands-on Start to Mathematica book and the process in writing the book. The authors will discuss their years of working with individuals and organizations on getting started with Mathematica through the MathMobile, working in technical support and in sales, and how those experiences culminated into the Hands-on Start to Mathematica video series which then led to the actual book. We’ll talk about some of the decisions made in the structure of the book to assist with different learning styles as well as different environments (i.e. individual use on the subway, student use as part of a class, corporate training, etc). And of course, we’ll show elements of the book and talk about how it slots into the general overview of training and use of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language.

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1445453747.nb (647.6 KB) - Mathematica Notebook