 Utilizing Mathematica for Higher-Level Thinking in Calculus

Organization: | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Organization: | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2015
 Champaign, Illinois USA
 We will describe how we are using Mathematica to supplement both the in-class and out-of-class experiences of students enrolled in a flipped format multivariable calculus course. In particular, we will detail Mathematica’s use in notes, videos, homework, activities, and exams. Via this permeation of Mathematica in the course, we arrive at a more concept-focused class. Branching off from work done in this area by our coordinator, Dr. Brodskiy at UTK, our approach focuses on delegating the lower cognitive thinking outside class using notes and short videos created with the help of Wolfram’s Courseware tools, and developing higher level thinking in-class through Mathematica based conceptual activities. Our goal is to focus our students on the mathematical concepts and processes, while they use Mathematica to perform most of the calculations and as an aid for visualization and exploration. In our plans going forward, we hope to include Mathematica oriented homework problems with the goal of helping our students explore a richer variety of problems while familiarizing them with the Wolfram Language.


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