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An Overview of Computation at the Symbolic-Numeric Boundary

Daniel Lichtblau
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

Talk at Illinois Wesleyan University
Conference location

Bloomington, Illinois

This was a talk given at Illinois Wesleyan University in October 2002. Attendees were faculty and undergraduates in math and CS. It was aimed at a general audience of non-specialists.

In the general world of scientific computation one frequently encounters "numeric computation" and "symbolic computation" as separate if loosely related entities. Sometimes one even hears about both used within one program. What is less often noted is that the two types of computation have begun to cross-pollinate in the past 15 years or so, with each invading the other's historic turf. In this talk I will present a few examples of such interaction. My goal is to demonstrate that what is now called "hybrid symbolic/numeric computation" is a fruitful and active area of research and development in the current field of scientific computation.

*Applied Mathematics > Computer Science
*Applied Mathematics > Numerical Methods
*Mathematics > Algebra > Field and Ring Theory
*Mathematics > Algebra > Linear Algebra
*Mathematics > Algebra > Polynomials
*Wolfram Technology > Kernel > Numerics
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