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Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica

Allen Hibbard
Organization: Central College
Department: Mathematics and Computer Science
Kenneth Levasseur
Organization: University of Massachusetts Lowell
Department: Mathematical Sciences

2001 Workshop on Mathematica in Education and Research
Conference location

Ismailia, Egypt

This talk introduced a new learning environment due to A. C. Hibbard, Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica for introductory abstract algebra built around a collection of Mathematica packages entitled AbstractAlgebra. These packages are a foundation for this collection of twenty-seven interactive labs on group and ring theory. This work can be used to supplement any introductory abstract algebra text and is not dependent on any particular text.

*Mathematics > Algebra

Egypt, Education, Research, Abstract Algebras
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AbstAlgebra.nb (562.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook