 Mathematica Tutorial: A New Resource for Developers

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | User Interface Group |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 1999 Mathematica Developer Conference
 Champaign, IL
 Preview a forthcoming self-guided, introductory Mathematica tutorial. This session is intended both for anyone interested in a general introduction to Mathematica and for developers interested in including tutorial materials in books, packages, and courseware. Suggestions and feedback about the beta tutorial are encouraged. The tutorial will be covered in four parts: overview of the tutorials and basic calculations, built-in functions for numerical and graphical calculations and graphics, notebooks and typesetting, and Mathematica programming and external files.

 http://library.wolfram.com/conferences/devconf99/withoff/ http://library.wolfram.com/conferences/devconf99/withoff/index2.html

| Basic1.nb (141 KB) - First Calculations | | Basic10.nb (3.3 KB) - Summary and Exercises | | Basic2.nb (251.3 KB) - Numerical Calculations | | Basic3.nb (82 KB) - Symbolic Calculations | | Basic4.nb (1 MB) - Plotting and Graphics | | Basic5.nb (39 KB) - Using Notebooks | | Basic6.nb (57.8 KB) - Typeset Editing | | Basic7.nb (136.4 KB) - Working with Expressions | | Basic8.nb (175.1 KB) - Programming | | Basic9.nb (57.5 KB) - Working with Files |