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Geometric Optics:Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica

Antonio Romano
Book information

Publisher: Birkhauser (Boston)
Copyright year: 2010
ISBN: 9780817648718
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 224
Out of print?: N
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Fermat's Principle and general Considerations Regarding Centered Optical Systems | Gaussian Optics | Fermat's Principle and Third-Order Aberrations | Newtonian and Cassegrain Telescopes | Cameras for Astronomy | Compound Cassegrain Telescopes | Doublets and Triplets | Other Optical Combination | Fermat's principle and Wavefronts | Hamiltonian Optics | Monochromatic Third-Order Aberrations

This book—unique in the literature—provides readers with the mathematical background needed to design many of the optical combinations that are used in astronomical telescopes and cameras. The results presented in the work were obtained by using a different approach to third-order aberration theory as well as the extensive use of the software package Mathematica.

Geometric Optics is an excellent reference for advanced graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics, engineering, astronomy, and astronomical optics. The work may be used as a supplementary textbook for graduate-level courses in astronomical optics, optical design, optical engineering, programming with Mathematica, or geometric optics.

*Education > College
*Education > Graduate
*Science > Astronomy
*Science > Physics > Optics

Dall-Kirkam combination, Fermat's principle, Optics, Astronomy, Klevtsov telescope, Petzval