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Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations

M. Asghar Bhatti
Organization: The University of Iowa
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Book information

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons (Hoboken, NJ; published simultaneously in Canada)
Copyright year: 2006
ISBN: 0471648078
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 590
Out of print?: N
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Contents of the Book Web Site | Preface | Essential Background | Analysis of Elastic Solids | Solids of Revolution | Multifield Formulations for Analysis fo Elastic Solids | Plates and Shells | Introduction to Nonlinear Problems | Material Nonlinearity | Geometric Nonlinearity | Contact Problems | Bibliography

Starting from governing differential equations, this book uses a unique and consistently weighted residual approach to present advanced topics in finite element analysis of structures, such as mixed and hybrid formulations, material and geometric nonlinearities, and contact problems. It features a hands-on approach to understanding advanced concepts of the finite element method (FEM) through integrated Mathematica exercises.

An associated website includes all text examples (some with expanded computational details), as well as Mathematica notebooks to ease calculations associated with finite elements. All chapters contain problems for homework assignment, and most also include problems suitable for computer labs and projects.

*Engineering > Finite Element Methods
*Engineering > Mechanical and Structural Engineering
*Mathematics > Algebra > Linear Algebra
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Equations

finite element analysis, strucures, engineering, elastic solids, solids of revolution, beam elements, geometric nonlinearity, material nonlinearity, asymmetirc load, Babuska-Brezzi condition, BCIZ, BFS, buckling load, Cauchy stress, Compressible new-Hookean material, deviatoric strain, deviatoric stress, Piola-Kirchhoff stress, Galerkin method, HCT, heterosis element, isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening, MZC, Ramberg-Osgood model, Rayleigh-Ritz method, Rik's method, Serendipity shape functions, Temoshenko beam theory, TBT, von Mises, yield surface
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*Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations   [in Books]
