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MathTensor: A System for Doing Tensor Analysis by Computer

Leonard Parker
Steven M. Christensen
Organization: Steven M. Christensen and Associates and MathTensor, Inc.
Book information

Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Copyright year: 1994
ISBN: 0201569906
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 379
Out of print?: N
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A Brief Look at MathTensor | Introduction to Tensors and Differential Forms | Symmetries, Operations, and Rules | Components, Transformations, and Types of Indices | Differential Form Operations | Differential Form Applications | Electromagnetism and Special Relativity | Nonlinear Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics | General Relativity Examples | Appendix

Introduction to the authors' MathTensor software, which provides a computer program that extends Mathematica's capabilities to include tensor analysis. Includes an introduction to MathTensor's commands and functions along with information on how to apply MathTensor to specific problems.

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Applications from Independent Developers > MathTensor