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Comparative evaluation of biological response in high dimensional longitudinal experiments

Stuart Baker
Organization: National Cancer Institute

This program fits biologically relevant response curves in comparative analysis of the two gene expression experiments with at least 12 time points. The program outputs gene pairs with biologically relevant response curve shapes including flat, linear, sigmoid, hockey stick, impulse and step curves. The method could apply to other high dimensional data. The current version involves 3 replicates from each of 3 samples in each gene expression experiment.

Reference Baker, S.G. Comparative Analysis of Biologically Relevant Response Curves in Gene Expression Experiments: Heteromorphy, Heterochrony, and Heterometry. Microarrays 2014, 3, 39-51. http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3905/3/1/39

*Mathematics > Probability and Statistics
*Wolfram Technology > Mathematica

microarrays, high-dimensional data, longitudinal data, double sigmoid, sigmoid, serial data, high-throughput data

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