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Mathematica 3.0's Definite Integration

Victor Adamchik
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University
Department: Computer Science
Journal / Anthology

Mathematica in Education and Research
Year: 1996
Volume: 5
Issue: 3
Page range: 16-22

proper integrals; improper integrals; the general idea; Mellin-Barnes integrals; an example; Meijer G-function; hypergeometric functions; new classes of integrals; integrals of rational functions; logarithmic and polylogarithmic integrals; elliptic integrals; integrals involving Bessel function; integrals involving non-analytic functions; additional features; conditions; convergence; assumptions

New algorithms extend Mathematica 3.0's capabilities for calculating definite integrals.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Calculus
*Wolfram Technology > Programming > Symbolic Computation
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DefIntegral.nb (193 KB) - Mathematica Notebook