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The Ghost and the Machine

A. Vogt
Journal / Anthology

Mathematical Modelling in Economics: Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Eichhorn, edited by W. Erwin Diewert, Klaus Spremann and Frank Stehling
Year: 1993
Volume: Springer-Verlag
Page range: 312-322

"The Ghost in the Machine" is the title of Koestler (1967), a book quoted in Eichhorn and Vogt (1990). The author does not want to go as far as certain modern computer specialists who state that the ghost is in the machine. He prefers to place these two phenomena one beside the other by showing how deeply both spirit and machine have influenced his research in price index theory. The spirit is to a great deal represented by Wolfgang Eichhorn's contributions in this field. In fact, there are a lot of Wolfgang Eichhorn's results which greatly influenced the author's research. On the other hand computers facilitated his work. He is confident that this process will go on, that Wolfgang Eichhorn's intellectual spirit as well as computer facilities of the future will stimulate further investigations in index theory.

*Business and Economics